Tom Wilson opined:
> Can't really recommend any from personal experience as I live right down the
> interstate in Cincinnati, but I have a cousin who lives in Columbus, IN and
> sent me this link.  Looks like a listing of a few of the Indy ISPs.  


> Do you know where in Indy you will be living yet?  If you're lucky it will
> be by the Speedway.  When they have the Indy 500 in May and Brickyard 400 in
> August, that neighborhood gets to rockin' if your into that kind of thing.
> People literally partying in the streets.  I always have fun when I go to
> the races out there.

I'll be in the Castleton area in northeast Indy. I'm looking forward
to the races, but think I'll pass on the partying -- I've had my fill
of that for a lifetime. :)

Think big.  Pollute the Mississippi.
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