On Tuesday 23 October 2001 09:51 pm, you sent an epistle:
> Hi folks,
> Not really a linux question. But y'all are experts on everything, so I'll
> ask...
> I've been having issues with the last 6 or 7 CD's I've burned. Excessive
> skips throughout. I'm wondering if it's because of the media. The CD-R's I
> have are more than a year old and have been in my basement the entire time.
> My basement is subject to high fluctuations in temperature and humidity as
> the seasons change (it's neither heated, nor air conditioned). Could the
> media be the source of my problems?
> The drive is a yamaha 6416 SCSI and I get the problem whether I burn at 6x
> or 4x. The buffer rarely goes below 98%. I've tried from both linux and
> Windows with equally poor results.
> Any thoughts? I'm now out of CD-Rs and need to buy some. Any
> recommendations on brand, or are they all the same? I primarily burn music,
> but some data. Regards,
> Tim

It is unlikely that the media is at fault, this is not to say that it cannot 
be, but highly improbable and especially over 6 disks. I had a burner that 
did that and it turned into a nice doorstop, it just started and was no good 
thereafter. I have not had success either at music burning at hight speeds,
data and vcds fine just not music.

To those who have been in harms way, to those that have made the
sacrifice in humanities name. At the going down of the sun and
in the morning I shall remember them. 
Keith Antoine aka "skippy"
18 Arkana St The Gap Queensland 4061 Australia PH 16 7 33002161
Retired Geriatric and Sometime Electronics Engineer : Knowall

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