On October 24, 2001 04:14 pm, Keith Antoine wrote:

> No as I installed it on 3 other machines also I tried both the cd and dvd
> neither worked.

Is this by chance the 7.3 upgrade as opposed to a full install? (Perhaps I 
missed that). If so, according to the SuSE list there are known issues with 
it (there have been a number of threads discussing this).

Apparently, like Caldera, SuSE's upgrade install programs are invariably a 
challenge. Most of the seasoned SuSE users recommend getting the full 
version, backing up your data, then doing a full fresh install from scratch. 

Sad, really, that we have come so far over the past few years in Linux - we 
can run it as superclusters and in mainframes - but we can't seem to get 
consistently fool-proof OS upgrades.
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