On Thursday 25 October 2001 07:01 am, you sent an epistle:
> On October 24, 2001 04:14 pm, Keith Antoine wrote:
> > No as I installed it on 3 other machines also I tried both the cd and dvd
> > neither worked.
> Is this by chance the 7.3 upgrade as opposed to a full install? (Perhaps I
> missed that). If so, according to the SuSE list there are known issues with
> it (there have been a number of threads discussing this).

Full install, AFAIK, Suse 7.2 Pro 

> Apparently, like Caldera, SuSE's upgrade install programs are invariably a
> challenge. Most of the seasoned SuSE users recommend getting the full
> version, backing up your data, then doing a full fresh install from
> scratch.

Tried that too and it still stuck at system check.

> Sad, really, that we have come so far over the past few years in Linux - we
> can run it as superclusters and in mainframes - but we can't seem to get
> consistently fool-proof OS upgrades.

It would seem that some twit altered a script file between 7.1 and 7.2. Lets 
hope they got 7.3 right, but I will not know till I try it. We will not see 
it till well into November.

To those who have been in harms way, to those that have made the
sacrifice in humanities name. At the going down of the sun and
in the morning I shall remember them. 
Keith Antoine aka "skippy"
18 Arkana St The Gap Queensland 4061 Australia PH 16 7 33002161
Retired Geriatric and Sometime Electronics Engineer : Knowall

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