Building a multiboot machine. 500 Celerion CPU 512 Meg Memory with an
Intel Mother board with an Intel 810 chip set and 2 hds (1.3 gig
secondary 16 gig primary) have wIn  98 loaded on head of Primary hd and
Mandrake 8.0 on the secondary hd. Problem is when I try to load Caldera
based OSs . W3.1 and LTP install to the point where Lizard is supposed
to start. After a long delay a cheery message pops up saying that the OS
can't be installed on this machine. Corel will install, but only in the
monochrome safe mode and Redmond Linux will only install with 250
colors. SuSe 7.0 installs with no problem, except I'm using a USR 56K
PCI modem that will only run on kernel 2.3 and up. Any ideas what it
will take this beast to install Caldera?


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