When as root you typed ssh(d) you started the daemon(check as root ps ax)  
when as a user you attempted it, it tried to authenticate with out having  
the daemon running or without you making your keys as of yet...

The SxS was simple enough for myself to follow the intructions creating the 
keys installing from tarball etc...

Like you I only ftp'd, telneted.. never even rlogin'd   8^)

Hope this answers your question. other than doing it for you   8^)

On Tuesday 20 November 2001 18:51, you were heard blurting out:
> On Tuesday 20 November 2001 22:48, Chang enunciated:
> > check the security section in http://linux.nf
> > There are detailed steps for installation from tarball.
> > I think host was to be generated automatically.
> > Did you start and install sshd as root?
> I went there and the SxS was not simple enough and did not mention the
> daemon and what to do ! It was istalled by Suse 7.3 on original install.
> AFAIC its supposed to start on boot but yes I tried as root sued.

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