I can second that, I just did it and it worked just fine and very
quickly, I'm running SuSE 7.2 ;)

Kurt Wall wrote:
> Susan Macchia wrote:
> > Ok - not to sound like to much of a nucklehead, but how do I find out about
> > this kind of fs?  Is it easy to transition to?  Are there SxS for them?  I have
> > seen references to these things in this list, but haven't really paid
> > attention, so please forgive my ignorance here.
> The transition to ext3 is easy: "tune2fs -j /dev/foo/" adds
> journalling to an ext2 FS, essentially making it and ext3 FS (of
> course, you need a kernel that supports ext3, which recent 2.4 kernels
> do).
> Kurt
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