Hi Collins,
This old machine is a 100mhz, 1.2 hdd with 32mb's of ram. I don't
have the space for 30MB's of browser when 4MB's does all I need.
IIRC Mozilla is pretty large also and requires about 233mhz cpu
doesn't it? Due to cpu speed and disk space I tend to run only
small, fast applications on this machine :) 

Thus spake Collins Richey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> I don't understand the "cpu" bit.  I've only got 300MZ to play with. 
> Mozilla is oh-so-slow to startup, but OK after that.  Now I'm using
> galeon, and its's much more responsive and it has most of the feautres
> I liked in Opera.  I don't really understand why Galeon (overlay on
> top of the Mozilla Gecko engine) is so snappy whereas Mozilla is darn
> slow.
> -- 
> Collins Richey
> Denver Area
> gentoo_rc6 k2.4.16+ext3+xfce+sylpheed+galeon
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