On Sat, 8 Dec 2001 23:25:24 -0500
Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While watching S. King's IT on tv. tonight... with the wifey ofcourse... I
> upgraded my laptop to use ext3.
> Once installed, I did a couple of tests... namely... I removed the battery
> and then unplugged the wall adpater from the laptop... while in the middle of
> a compile session...
> Upon reboot, it was proclamed that the root system had to be.... I think it
> said "re-journaled"... anyway... an eye blink later I had my laptop back and
> ready for use! Amazing! I did this a COUPLE of times and each time the
> filesystem check was less than a second or two and this was on a 12gig file
> system! The same fsck on a 12gig ext2 would last forever...


This article raises concerns regarding ext3 with certain laptop hard drives.

Chris Kassopulo _/\_ Linux User #199893 _/\_ Vector Linux

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