On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 22:52:09 -0500
Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Previously, Anita Lewis chose to write:
> > that's the general idea.  I just finished installing slackware on a
> > with 4Mb RAM and using floppies.  First there was the boot floppy with
> So there might be a use for my old 486SX-33 Gateway laptop with 8MB RAM?

> Hmmm. Maybe I could turn it into a linux terminal... It needs a NIC,
> Anybody done this? Made a linux terminal using an old laptop. Is 8MB and
> 486SX-33 enough horsepower for an X-Terminal?

Depends on your video card.  8Mb is pushing the lower limit for a decent X
server because typically, X will use about 3Mb of RAM.  You will need
swap.  But once X is up and running, shouldn't be too bad.  I've never
tried with a 486 laptop because you can't change the video card, and
almost all 486's need to have a better video card (and of course you'll
connect a better monitor to the laptop).


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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