----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Antoine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: Win95 replacement

> One point mate, is that it is imperative that you DO know the chipsets
> board the MB and the video card so as you can tell linux what
empiricals to
> use. This is where most beginners fall down, not knowing whats under
the hood.
> With linux as opposed to windows, you need to know as windows cludges
> and operates as an i386 generic whist linux uses the full
potentialities of
> the h/w.

I understand, I guess I was hoping that I could power on, boot linux and
start configuring.  I am taking off for vacation on Wed, so I wanted to
see how much I could get done before I left.  Oh well, I will get to the
nitty gritty when I get back from vacation.

> Well at least i can say congrats and welcome now.......

Thanks.  The help was much appreciated.


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