On Tuesday 01 January 2002 05:53 pm, you wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Jan 2002 17:42:47 -0500 Randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Any Floridians on the list? What does the IT sector look like down
> > there? This is my last northern winter.
> When I lived in Phoenix about 30 years ago, one of my co-workers at
> the bank was originally from Bangor, Maine.  What finally triggered
> his move was the summer.  The year before he bailed out, during the
> period about May 20 - Sept. 20, it rained from Friday 5pm to Monday
> 8am every single weekend. <grin>
I've been an insulin-dependent diabetic for 30 years and it's affected 
the circulation in my feet. I can't tell if I have feet from October 
till April.
Randy Donohoe
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