On Thursday January 03 2002 02:42 pm, Randy wrote:
> On Thursday 03 January 2002 10:21 am, you wrote:
> > Randy wrote:
> > > Any Floridians on the list? What does the IT sector look like down
> > > there? This is my last northern winter.

Check out the mailing list at www.flux.org for S. Florida.  There are a lot 
of good techie people on it, and not being one myself, I can not answer 
intelligently (also grew up in the 70's and not many brain cells still alive) 
 Or, if you wish, I can ask a few folks at the next meeting.

> Is Florida still in a drought?

Not in S. Florida!  But it is going to get real cold here tonight.  Maybe in 
the upper 30's F. (A record!)

Harry G

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