On January 06, Chang enlightened our ignorance thusly:
> This is such an old question. But I guess I could really learn
> something.
> I was trying to send my sendmail a email messages from my yahoo account.
> And I got the usual newbie error: 
> "553 5.3.5 localhost.myname.org. config error: mail loops back to me (MX
> problem?)"
> what did I miss? I got no 553 if I sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather
> than [EMAIL PROTECTED] Did I misread some docs?
> My private domain is myname.org.
> I am using myname.homeip.net as the dynamic DNS name.
> /var/named/pz/myname.org:
> # snipped
> $ORIGIN myname.org.
>       10      IN      MX      localhost
>       20      IN      MX      localhost
> localhost     IN      A
> #snipped
> /etc/mail/mailertable:
> homeip.net    smtp:[localhost]
> homeip.net.   smtp:[localhost]
> /etc/mail/local-host-names:
> myname.org

This is a FAQ specifically dealth with in the sendmail FAQ at

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