Has anyone searched for "Linux" on ATI's web site?  I did and found a decent 45 
hits... one lead me to their Linux FAQ.  In the FAQ they answer a lot of questions 
honestly and fairly.  Where some vendors would simply state that their hardware has 
been known to work with Linux but they don't provide support, their FAQ gives quite a 
bit of details about where to find help, what does work and what is being worked on.  
While they don't directly support Linux (which of course would be better), the treat 
it much like they do.  They give links to OpenSource sites for support and 
suggest(mildly) that users contribute at XFree86.org.

As a strong Linux user/supporter, I like to see the kind of information that they make 
available.  I will definitely be purchasing ATI hardware in the near future, as I am 
interested in video capture and conversion.  AIW seems to be the way to go.  I am 
interested in others' input about this topic.

Thought I'd let you know.


Matthew Carpenter 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                          http://www.e-i-s.cc/

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