Well I got four words for you..read before you write..about half the
questions you asked it was already stated on my previous post..obviously you
haven't read the Net Etiquette FAQ...

The only reason why I bought those cards was that there was rebates that was
supposed to come with the cards but I am still waiting after I bought my
cards 1 1/2 years ago..I basically gave up waiting for my rebates.

I am not a disgrunted ATI Customer...even tho it might sound like it..but
right now I have two ATI Cards in my machine one works but the ATI TV Wonder
won't work at all...I am just saying ATI don't support their shit and to
tell you the truth...ATI will either flounder this year or be taken over...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Net Llama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: I'm impressed with ATI!

> --- Jerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why would I slander a company who is headquarted in my country without
> > reason??
> >
> > I have had ATI Rage Pro / ATI Mach Pro / ATI TV Wonder / ATI
> > All-In-One
> > wonder all have had big problems and when I email support or even
> > called
> > them I have never reached anybody until two months after I sent my
> > email or
> > message.
> Did you send it to the correct address?  Did you call the correct phone
> number?
> >
> > That is why ATI has fallen against Voodoo and NVIDIA...before ATI was
> ATI may have lost ground against NVidia, but they haven't lost anything
> against Voodoo, which has become the has-been of the videocard world.
> > number
> > one by a long shot and when Voodoo and NVIDIA came in ATI just died
> > cause
> > they don't support their cards...even when Windows 2000 came on ATI
> > wasn't
> > about to support it but due to the pressure they finally did it. As in
> Pressure from who?  This makes no sense.
> > Linux, ATI products sucks with different version for example Red Hat
> > 7.0
> Anyone who expected anything to work properly under RH7.0 was a fool.
> Even Linus was quoted as stating that RH7.0 was an abomination.
> > which wasn't on the market long since ATI drivers didn't work with
> > them but
> > other video cards no problem...
> You're blaming ATI for the lack of drivers in XFree86??  I really don't
> think you know what you're talking about.
> Its apparent that you have an axe to grind.  I don't see any real
> evidence here that ATI did anything wrong (zero evidence of any wrong
> doing), other than your perspective on things.  You sound like a
> disgruntled customer that's now throwing a fit because they didn't get
> ATI to bend over backwards for them.  Whatever.

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