
        I'm realy interested too abou AIW.  I have a Studio PCTV and it
works much better under linux than under Winblows.  I'm figuring out if the same 
happens to
        Unfortunately I have just a PII 300 and I wondering how to keep
video and sound capture in sync with such a hardware by now...

        Some friends who uses AIW 128 (just under Winblows) are very
desappointed with it.  I tried but didn't convice them to use linux.

        I realy would like to hear more about AIW Radeon (graphics accel.
and video capture) from linux users.

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Matthew Carpenter wrote:

> Has anyone searched for "Linux" on ATI's web site?  I did and found a decent 45 
>hits... one lead me to their Linux FAQ.  In the FAQ they answer a lot of questions 
>honestly and fairly.  Where some vendors would simply state that their hardware has 
>been known to work with Linux but they don't provide support, their FAQ gives quite a 
>bit of details about where to find help, what does work and what is being worked on.  
>While they don't directly support Linux (which of course would be better), the treat 
>it much like they do.  They give links to OpenSource sites for support and 
>suggest(mildly) that users contribute at XFree86.org.
> As a strong Linux user/supporter, I like to see the kind of information that they 
>make available.  I will definitely be purchasing ATI hardware in the near future, as 
>I am interested in video capture and conversion.  AIW seems to be the way to go.  I 
>am interested in others' input about this topic.
> Thought I'd let you know.
> Matt

Alan Wilter S. da Silva
 Laboratório de Física Biológica
  Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho
   Universidade do Brasil/UFRJ
    Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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