On Monday 07 January 2002 17:51, Joel Hammer wrote:
> Can someone point me to an up to date discussion on how to partition
> a disk this size? I want to use this disk as my primary drive (newer,
> faster, bigger) and I need some information on partitioning it. I
> use LILO.
> Thanks,
> Joel
> > I just bought a big drive. I was surprised to see they say I should
> > install an Ultra/133 PCI adaptor card. The drive is 80 megs 7200 rpm.

I presume you mean an 80GB dirve, which is indeed large.  I've experimented 
with various partitionings, but I always come back to a single partition per 
distro or a separate /home partition as second choice  Unless you plan to 
download tons of MP3/OGG files, movie clips, iso images, etc. ... I never 
manage to get more than about 5GB used (with both KDE and gnome and 
OpenOffice, and a few iso images downloaded).  So, I would carve the drive up 
into 10-15GB chunks max (I use 6.4GB max at present).

Tell us more about your plans for the drive - multiple distros, big 
databases, music library, ???

My usual distro is ELX -pre1, but I put up FreeBSD for fun.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - FreeBSD 4.4 with KDE
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