Scribbling feverishly on January 09, Joel Hammer managed to emit:
> Thanks.
> I have no idea about kernels and libraries, all just mystical C talk to me.

Short version: it is the resolver library that handles the name
lookup stuff. So, while it may seem mystical, it's good to know.

> I was asking this question because I wanted to understand if I had to rename
> my /etc/resolv.conf.dhcp file to /etc/resolv.conf after dhcpcd creates the
> latter file. I guess the answer would be yes, if I want to be sure I am
> using the current name servers. Since I use a caching name server, I don't
> think that i crucial.

I'm guessing that the dhcp client daemon uses the right file. One way
to test this is to do some lookups after dhcpcd creates its version of 
the resolver configuration file. Using the dig or nslookup command, you 
should see the server that gets queried displayed. To wit:

$ dig
;; Query time: 58 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Jan 10 09:29:19 2002
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 247

The SERVER line shows the server dig (Domain Information Groper)

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