Hello, Lee:

I don't wish to belabor this point.  Evidently I was misunderstood, or 
perhaps there were errors in what I wrote.

Four or 5 months ago, I tried to make a copy of the LILO boot floppy 
that was created when I installed SuSE Linux 7.2  I discovered it was 
impossible to do so.  I later read that the reason it can't be copied 
has to do with the unique file system installed on the floppy disk 
before the boot info is copied to the disk.

Ron White related a similar experience, IIRC.  I believe he wrote to 
SuSE to ask why he was unable to copy his LILO boot floppy.  As I 
recall, he did not get a satisfactory explanation.

I sent a more detailed message to you privately in hopes it would be 
clearer than the vague procedure I outlined in my first reply to you.

Moments ago, to prove (again) to myself that it could be done, I 
duplicated that procedure, and created a LILO boot floppy,  not an 
installation boot disk.  Here's what I did:

Click the YaST2 icon in the panel.  Click Control 
Center=>System=>Configure Boot Mode.  A Custom LILO Installation dialog 
appears.  There are 4 radio buttons; click the 2nd button (Create boot 
floppy).  You may not be prompted to insert a (IBM) formatted floppy; 
do so anyway.

I was lucky - several nights ago, we had a 1 hour power outage, 
complete with surges and sags.  Both my Linux/Windows XP machines were 
running.  When the dust settled, I could not boot into this Linux 
automatically using the LILO on the hard drive.  I whipped out my 
handy-dandy LILO boot floppy, repaired LILO on the hard disk and went 
merrily on my way.

Best regards,

Glenn Williams - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Registered Linux User #135678
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