----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Anselmi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: Copying boot disk

[whole lotta snippin']

> I'm not sure what you mean by a boot floppy.  If you mean a floppy
> boots a kernel it contains (and probably mounts / as a ramdisk
contained on
> another floppy) then what you did or dd are both good ways to make

Well, as I said, I was unable to read the LILO floppy by any means I
knew of, back then.  I *assume* there's a copy of LILO on the disk, and
it simply runs LILO to boot the installed system(s).  In SuSE 7.2 and
7.3, creating the LILO floppy is an option offered during the
installation.  Sometimes it is *not* an option - it is done by default.
In just such a case, that was initially the reason I wanted to copy it
(to a file on the hard drive) - so I could then use a readable copy to
build my /etc/lilo.conf on the hard drive, which the installation failed
to create on my hard drive.

I didn't try the method Bruce suggested - but I am sure I will do so at
my next opportunity, since it's a little easier than the YaST2 method.



Glenn Williams - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Registered Linux user # 135678 since 1994
Amateur Radio Packeteer since 1988

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