On Sat, 12 Jan 2002 13:03, Robert L. Hemus wrote:
> My local Windoze guru says you get a better copy from CDRW to hd? and
> back to CDRW.  Correct or incorrect?

Windoze doesn't have a monopoly on this. That's a *general* observation. The 
reason is because of the danger of buffer under-run to the written cd. 

*Anything* that slows that process down is a candidate for bad burns. Thus, 
you tend to avoid any other operation while cd burning (playing mahjonng eg), 
and reading from what is after all a SLOW cd ROM on the *same* ide channel is 
a nasty recipe.

Burning from a hard disk isn't the answer, it's an answer, and  an 
improvement over cd -> cd copying *simply* because a hard drive will keep up, 
a cdrom might not.

That said, most cpu hardware is speedy enuff these days, the Linux OS 
certainly, and again, cd-r's (eg burn devices) come with 'burn proof 
technology' (whatever that means). The latter more or less ensures that the 
old homage of storing to hard drive first no longer applies.

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