It looks like Bill's suggestion should work.  But, if you don't want to
be that fancy, and if you don't know perl, the following script should
do what you want:

for i in `find *jpg -maxdepth 0 -type f`  
convert $i -geometry 640x480 $newname

Just cd into the directory where your jpg's are. When done, mv *640x480*
to a different directory.

If you want to prepend an "s", change the 4th line to :

Another approach, although manual, would be xv. Create a directory, say
smallpics, and move copies of all the jpg's into it. Then, xv *jpg. That
will load all the jpg's into the xv index. Then, calling them up with the
next button, the keystroke "<" will reduce them to 1/2 size. Then, three
mouse clicks will save them.  Not too bad.


Ol Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 09:13:48PM -0500, dep wrote:
> greets, folks!
> i'm engaged in a little project here, and it's moving along nicely 
> except that i hope to do a thing or two that i do not know how to do.
> the project is this: last september i took pictures of the wedding of 
> some friends, all digital, all 1600x1200 so that they print nicely. i 
> hope to put together a cd of them for them -- in fact, several, so 
> they can send them to their friends. i have a nice little script that 
> generates cute little thumbnails and so on, all in html, so anyone 
> will be able to use the cd to view the pictures.
> the problem is that most people do not have 1600x1200 monitors, so 
> viewing will be a pain unless i can *also* provide, for computer 
> viewing, say 640x480 images.
> there are a couple hundred pictures. opening them one after another 
> in the gimp and downsizing them is something that unappeals to me so 
> much you cannot believe it.
> additionally, i want to preserve the filenames, perhaps with an "s" 
> prepended to each for the small images, so that people who want to 
> have prints made will be able to know the proper filename.
> i am hoping that there is some utility that will do this as a batch, 
> and perhaps a script that will do it all on one pass. i have no idea 
> where to begin to look.
> suggestions?
> thanks.
> -- 
> dep
> There is sobbing of the strong,
> And a pall upon the land;  
> But the People in their weeping
> Bare the iron hand;
> Beware the  
> People weeping
> When they bare the iron hand.
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