Glenn Williams wrote:
> I have had NO mail from the list during the past 72 hours.  Will someone
> please drop a note to me off-list, if this message appears in the
> linux-users mail (and explain to me what the hell's going on, if
> possible)?
> Regards,
> Glenn

  If you're reading the archives you'll see that your mail is being
bounced by cybermesa. Doug and I have both tried to reach you
unsuccessfully to notify you of this. If you're not reading the archive,
well.....we still can't contact you.
Andrew Mathews
  2:15pm  up 14 days, 21:11,  4 users,  load average: 1.08, 1.04, 1.00
He who slings mud generally loses ground.
                -- Adlai Stevenson
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