On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 12:38:34 -0500
Bruce Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The error I got from some of the failures was "invalid byte code".
| Hmmm  I sez to myself.  Could MS be planting a bogus bit of code in their 
| java created by Front Page to 'kill' all other browsers?  Naw, they wouldn't 
| do that, would they??
| Has anyone else seen a problem  like this?

Wouldn't suprise me. Still, a library IS publically funded. Any local Linux
user groups should protest. Claim that the library is prejudiced against
a minority and as a result making it difficult for their children to obtain
acces to publically funded services. You know the rant.

In fact, they probably never even considered non-Explorer in their system

BTW, did the Windows Netscape work?

Roger Oberholtzer                         E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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