On Sunday 03 February 2002 04:56 pm, Peter Ruskin warbled:

> I have 8.1 and Cooker, Keith.  Do menudrake -> Action -> Menu style ->
> Standard menu.

Ok managed to do thata, thanks.

> There are loads of mirrors, I use these ( I won't list Cooker because you
> probably won't want that ) :
>       ftp://ftp.sunet.se/Mandrake-devel/contrib/
>       ftp://ftp.sunet.se/Mandrake/updates/8.1/
>       ftp://ftp.sunet.se/Mandrake-devel/unsupported/8.1/
> I believe that Software Manager will check the net if you're online and
> find sources for you.

I have managed for the first time to update from online, no idea what the 
source was though. However are ther not total new updates like later kernael 
available ??

Keith Antoine aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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