I am having a wierd problem..  using 1 of 2 accounts with my ISP's mails 
ervice the account I used to use [EMAIL PROTECTED] will no longer complete 
downloads.  Gets approximately 3/4 way through the dl of mail (135 of 195 
messages) and I get disconnected.  This is the wierd part.  first it was in 
KMail, 2.1.1.  So I deleted the accoutn and a set it back up on KMail.  
continued the same behavior.

Second I setup the account on a Windows box with LookOut 5.5(128bit) and the 
problem has continues.  I even tried this in pine on a console as well.

My question, would a malformed mail header cause this? Or has anyone ever 
experienced this?

I was not running an imap setup(haven't had time to set it up).

I am going to contact the ISP today and have them 'reset' the account.  Of 
course it is run through winders, the ISP, so its really got me.    I have a 
total of 3, 1 for the wife and 2 for me.  Only one does this.  my other one 
and hers do not do this from any client here.


  Bill Day ( a.k.a. BadMan )            188133 http://counter.li.org
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  Our crystal tears now fall upon the ashes, but from the dust shall grow a
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