On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 07:36:13 -0500
begin  Bill Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> I am having a wierd problem..  using 1 of 2 accounts with my ISP's mails
> ervice the account I used to use [EMAIL PROTECTED] will no longer
> complete downloads.  Gets approximately 3/4 way through the dl of mail
> (135 of 195 messages) and I get disconnected.  This is the wierd part. 
> first it was in KMail, 2.1.1.  So I deleted the accoutn and a set it
> back up on KMail.  continued the same behavior.
> Second I setup the account on a Windows box with LookOut 5.5(128bit) and
> the problem has continues.  I even tried this in pine on a console as
> well.
> My question, would a malformed mail header cause this? Or has anyone
> ever experienced this?
> I was not running an imap setup(haven't had time to set it up).
> I am going to contact the ISP today and have them 'reset' the account. 
> Of course it is run through winders, the ISP, so its really got me.    I
> have a total of 3, 1 for the wife and 2 for me.  Only one does this.  my
> other one and hers do not do this from any client here.

There are one or two pop3 servers (cucipop comes to mind) that will
exhibit this behavior when an e-mail is larger than 2Mb.  But if that's
the case, you have idiots working in the ISP who should limit incoming
mail (sendmail will do this) to under 2Mb in size but haven't.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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