On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 15:33:31 +1130
begin  Mike Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> On Sat, 2 Feb 2002 13:47, David A. Bandel wrote:
> > > "The stunning success of the U.S. tech-powered boom in the 1990s
> > > drew some 500,000 highly skilled H1-B visa holders from around the
> > > world and
> > Yeah, the H1-B's worked cheap, while the highly skilled, highly paid
> > US workers went unemployed.
> Not this H1-B, I was highly skilled, and highly paid. America has a
> habit of going to sleep for a decade then waking up to discover the
> outside world has overtaken them (viz the HP / Motorola memory chip
> wakeup call, viz the collapse of Fairchild) America also has the
> phenonemal ability to re-invent itself. You were written off 15 years
> ago, It took a decade of imports, such as myself, to give your
> industries the breathing space they needed with new college Grads. The
> 'highly paid US workers' retrained during that time to get, highly paid.
> No-one ever said to me, ozzie go home. I would have been more than happy
> to.

Yep, Mike, you're exactly the Indian subcontinent H1-B I was talking
about.  Couldn't communicate with them.  They could code in C.  But I
speak English and Spanish, not C or Indian (any dialect).  And the ones I
knew of were not well paid, no where near as well paid as the English
speaking C programmers who were looking for (and not finding) work they
could make a living off.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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