Ian wrote:
> When I d/l from the apache server running locally any file that it
> doesn't recognize, it seems to be mangling it somehow, possibly doing an
> ascii transfer of it or something like that.
> I keep a directory of wallpaper pics around and shared it out over the
> web server, but when I d/l a bitmap (which has the "?" icon where jpegs
> for example have the multicolour icon indicating a graphic) it's fubared
> when it gets there.  The jpegs in the same dir. d/l OK.
> I've confirmed the files themselves are OK by snagging them via ftp
> and/or checking them on the machine itself.
> After my comments to the Llama, I hate to ask...
> Have I missed something obvious?
> Running RH 7.2 w/ the default apache installed.

The "#" in front of

"LoadModule autoindex_module   modules/mod_autoindex.so"

in httpd.conf probably had somehting to do with it.
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