On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> ...So the line-buffering has to happen on the other
> side of the "read" system call.


> Of course, this doesn't really mean that line-buffering has to be in
> the kernel. It could be handled by a server...

Indeed so.  Note that if you are getting into your system via telnet, or
ssh, or for that matter X, then your keystrokes *are* going through a
non-trivial server already, and it would not be conceptually difficult to
move the terminal-emulation stuff out of the kernel entirely and into the

("Terminal emulation"?  Yes!  If you look at the obsolete arcana of the
terminal interface -- things like the newline delays and the oldest of the
character translations -- it's essentially emulating a standard virtual
hardcopy terminal, on top of any of the actual hardcopy terminals in
common use within Bell Labs circa 1975.  This would be a lot more obvious
if anybody had ever gotten around to updating it to know about terminals
with screens...)

(Oh, and the reason why it's done in the *kernel* is that in the early
days, only one user program fit in memory (together with the kernel) at a
time.  Things like keystroke handling had to be done in the kernel, to
preserve any semblance of timely response.)

                                                          Henry Spencer
                                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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