Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote on 2001-12-24 10:30 UTC:
> It is true that softwares should use nl_langinfo(CODESET) as far as
> possible than looking at the environment variables.  However, there 
> are platforms which don't support nl_langinfo() such as FreeBSD.

Yes, we have heard that repeated many times now. You make far too much
fuzz about trivialities!

Simply ship your software with a little nl_langinfo() emulation that
fixes that problem until the FreeBSD people get they act together and
finally implement it. It can't take that much longer any more.

Hacking an acceptable nl_langinfo(CODESET) emulator shouldn't take much
longer then 12 minutes

... 11.487 minutes later ...

You'll now find one tested and ready for use on

Suggestions for improvement welcome.

Enjoy ...


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at,  WWW: <>

Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels

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