On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 08:19:14PM +0330, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Keld Jørn Simonsen wrote:
> > The ISO trial that was mentioned is about selling PDF-based standards
> > for something like USD 25 via the net, and that seems to be an
> > affordable price, according to people here on the list.
> Well, even 1 USD means non-affordable here in Iran. For each credit card
> transaction I must send an email to a friend in UK, tell him all the
> procedures (how should he fill the forms, etc), and then he will pay for
> it. And once in a while I should call his family here in Iran, and provide
> the money to them instead.
> It depends on how do you define affordable :)

I agree that the best way would be to have the standards available,
at least on the web, free of charge.

And as you know, there is a way to get very close to this,
that I did not mention in my last mail. The way is to participate
directly in the standardization process (as you do). Then you
get access to the restricted portions of the standardization webs
that you are working for, and there you can find almost everything
including what is called Final Texts, which should be as good
as the published standards, at least technically. Final Texts
are the final thing as it leaves the editor of the standard.
The ISO central secretariat may do a little editorial on the
document, but never changes anything technical in these FTs.

Kind regards
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