On Wed, Feb 01, 2006 at 07:58:58PM +0100, Danilo Segan wrote:
> Yesterday at 15:42, ???????????? wrote:
> > You can prevent just by only having UTF-8 locales on the machine.
> GNU systems allow users to install their own locales wherever they
> wish (even in $HOME) by setting environment variable LOCPATH (and
> I18NPATH for locale source files themselves).

Yes, this is unfortunate. :)

You may be interested in the C library replacement I'm working on.
It provides only UTF-8 through the multibyte/wide character interface
(although iconv is of course available for explicit conversions) and
has highly optimized UTF-8 processing to minimize/eliminate the
performance problems of using UTF-8 on older machines. I don't have
regex working yet but my estimate is that pattern matching will be at
worst 5% slower than 8bit locales, and probably not measurably slower
at all.

Unlike other similar projects it's under LGPL and designed with
long-term ABI stability in mind so that it's actually a viable
replacement for glibc on non-embedded systems. It's about 80% done as
of now. I'll be sure to post announcements here when it's ready for
testing since serious UTF-8 users and LFS/DIY types are my main target


P.S. Apologies for trashing the non-ascii characters in my reply. This
is why I'm working on making a viable UTF-8 platform for myself...

Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels
Archive:      http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-utf8/

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