On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 12:41:06AM -0400, William J Poser wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] has made several claims about writing systems
> for indigenous languages that I, as a linguist with a strong
> interest in writing systems and substantial experience working
> with indigenous people, not only as a linguist
> studying their languages but as a staff member of indigenous
> organizations, believe to be false.

I apologize if some of the claims I made were offensive to you as a
linguist, or to other linguists. I was more offended by David
Starner’s “Euro-centricism” as I called it, than by the activities of
linguists and orthographers in themselves. Thank you for speaking up
and for the detailed accounts and anecdotes.

One situation I particularly had in mind was the colonial times in
Africa. From my naive knowledge (mostly derived from bits and pieces
I’ve heard here and there, and mention of African languages in
documents on character set coverage and Unicode), it seems like
there’s a lot of Latin orthography for African languages. Can you fill
us in on any particular cases, and whether they were developed/imposed
by white colonists or developed alongside and embraced by Africans at
the time? As is quite apparent by now, I’m pretty ignorant on the
matter and interested in learning.

Another interesting example to look at is the use of Latin in writing
Indian (India, not Native American) languages. My understanding is
that now there are various scholarly standards for doing so, and
perhaps Indian government standards for how to write names of places,
etc., but my experience while in India was that spellings were
extremely inconsistent and based on naive “phonetic English” spellings
probably invented during the British occupation. The book you
mentioned would surely be an interesting read.

One example on which I’m not ignorant is systems for writing Tibetan
in Latin script. These days there are primarily three systems, none of
which seem to be used much by Tibetans except for language scholars.
One, the Wylie transliteration, is a direct systematic transliteration
of the Tibetan orthography. While it comes across very logical to me,
it’s difficult to read and pronounce without being accomplished in
both Tibetan orthography and the Wylie scheme, and I’ve met very few
Tibetans who find it natural at all. For purposes where preservation
of the original orthography is not important, members of the THDL
project (www.thdl.org) have proposed a standard which seems somewhat
reasonable, but which discards some phonetic data that’s meaningful to
Tibetans for the sake of being easy for Westerners. Finally, there’s a
Chinese-imposed system which they call “Tibetan Pinyin”, which is the
worst of all. It basically preserves only the parts of Tibetan which
fit into Chinese phonetics, resulting in horrible mispronunciation and
confusion about word identity unless you can ‘guess’ which Tibetan
word a “Tibetan Pinyin” word came from. In this latter case it’s a
clear instance of imperial (albeit not Western) imposition of a
Romanization, though thankfully without much success. Amusingly, I’ve
hardly ever met Tibetan people who uses any of these systems, even
when writing in Latin script. My experience has been that most just
write according to whatever “English-like” phonetics come most easily.

So, this is where some of my sentiment that linguist-designed Latin
orthographies don’t work so well comes from. Obviously it’s not
extensive data, just my own experience in a limited field.

Again, I apologize for “mis-stating the ideology of linguists” as you
quite nicely put it. I’d be happy if you have more information on
these subjects to share, both insomuch as it relates to m17n and i18n
and issues that developers should be aware of, and for its own sake.



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