Egmont Koblinger wrote:
>> Could you please point me to where the patch is located ?
> It's just one click from the URL I've mentioned above, I hope you can find
> it. But as said I haven't tried this patch. By the way, that page gives a
> link to a patch to the kbd package, and this link is no longer valid. I
> guess you should contact the sender of that mail (Jirka Bohac) and ask him.
That thread is from early 2005... Does it still applies to the current
kernel ?
>>>   echo -en '\033%G'
>>>   kbd_mode -u
>>>   setfont lat2-16 -m 8859-2
>>>   loadkeys -u hu
>> No change in my setup. I have a few questions though:
>> - That has to be non-unicode? Or it doesn't matters ?
>     ^^^^
> What do you refer to by "That"? I'm using an UTF-8 only setup.
You use lat2-16 fonf. That means that it does not have an utf8 mapping.
Usually the ones that end with 'u', like lat9u-16.psfu.gz already have
it. Am I correct ?
>> - I hope it should also work with 8859-15
> Sure. Just make sure the font you load contains a Unicode map, or you supply
> one. The "-m" option is not necessary, but makes gpm behave better (but yet
> another kernel patch is needed to make gpm work with unicode anyway. We'll
> return to this if you're ready with the other steps and you need gpm.)
>> - I suppose that hu from loadkeys is your keymap ( pt-latin1/9 for me ) ?
> Yes. Does pt-latin1/9 contain direct accented letters, or composing/dead
> characters? In other words: do you expect a single keypress (maybe with a
> modifier like Shift or AltGr) to produce an accented letter, or would you
> need more keypresses?
I retrieved it from my own system. I have pt-latin1 and
compose.latin1.add with all includes.
> Just for curiosity: please try the exact commands I gave you above, then run
> the command "cat" and press the "main" letters on your keyboard. You should
> see something like this:
>   0123456789öüó
>   qwertzuiopőú
>   asdfghjkléáű
>   íyxcvbnm,.-
> Do you get these accented vowels there?
No, I do not get any accented characters.

> Do you see accented letters if they are printed by an application, not from
> keyboard? E.g. try this:
>   echo -e 'x\0303\0241y\0303\0251z'
> The expected output is:
>   xáyéz
> ("a" and "e" have an accent on them). Is it okay?
The front is working with accented characters. I have a utf8 encode
text-file on the filesystem and the text is outputed correctly.
That 'echo' also works as it should.
>> - Just to be on the safe side: I do not have locale installed. Is it
>> needed ?
> If you launch the command "cat" (to get into cooked terminal mode) and then
> just type letters, then no locale is needed. The kbd_mode, setfont, loadkeys
> etc. command don't make use of locales.
> However, if you run any more complicated utilities (including the shell, any
> readline or ncurses apps) then most likely they need to have an UTF-8 locale
> set up, otherwise they'll mishandle non-ascii letters. So you'd better have
> at least one UTF-8 locale (either C.UTF-8 or en_US.UTF-8) and set (export)
> your LANG variable to this value before starting that application. (Altering
> LANG within a shell probably doesn't change the behavior of that particular
> shell, only its children.)
> And finally, if you're all done with this and accented letters all work, try
> the following: launch "cat", press four accented letters, press backspace
> twice (now you see two accented letters) and press Enter. Probably you'll
> see three accented letters being echoed back in the next line, which is
> wrong. In this case, the command "stty iutf8" is the solution.
> bye,
> Egmont
> --
> Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels
> Archive:



*Rui Santos*
Dep. Testes

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