
I had a quick look on short addressing, does anyone know why RFC 6282 specifies one way of deriving IIDs from the short address:

"Short addresses are mapped into the restricted space of IEEE EUI-64 addresses 
   setting the middle 16 bits to 0xfffe, the bottom 16 bits to the short
   address, and all other bits to zero.  As a result, an IID generated
   from a short address has the form:


but RFC 4944 specifies a different way for SAA

 "All 802.15.4 devices have an IEEE EUI-64 address, but 16-bit short
   addresses (Section 3  <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4944#section-3>  andSection 
12  <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4944#section-12>) are also possible.  In these
   cases, a "pseudo 48-bit address" is formed as follows.  First, the
   left-most 32 bits are formed by concatenating 16 zero bits to the 16-
   bit PAN ID (alternatively, if no PAN ID is known, 16 zero bits may be
   used).  This produces a 32-bit field as follows:


   Then, these 32 bits are concatenated with the 16-bit short address.
   This produces a 48-bit address as follows:


   The interface identifier is formed from this 48-bit address as per
   the "IPv6 over Ethernet" specification [RFC2464  
<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2464>].  However, in the
   resultant interface identifier, the "Universal/Local" (U/L) bit SHALL
   be set to zero in keeping with the fact that this is not a globally
   unique value."


On 27/01/14 13:48, Alexander Aring wrote:
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 01:39:28PM +0000, Martin Townsend wrote:
Hi Alex,

So the current 802.15.4 implementation will try and send beacon
frames but it doesn't support receiving beacon frames?

I didn't see any type = 2 but that may be down to this problem in
our receiver.

SSH is over Ethernet so no 6LoWPAN fragmentation I'm afraid.  I did
ah ok, I thought some 6LoWPAN ssh connection. :D

try ping6 with large packets but due to the problem in our receiver
I was only seeing every other packet of the fragmented PDU.  What I
did see looked ok though, both source and destination IP addresses
were compressed.  It was using long 802.15.4 source/dest addressing
mode, is this because the IP address are derived from the MAC
addresses? When would it use the short addressing?

This is a little bit more complex. :-)

Currently on receiving side a short address will be correct
uncompressed, see [1].

On sending side only a broadcast short address will be using if
destination address is multicast. You can't use a long address here, see
[3]. That's another problem of the current architecture.

If you have an another stack != linux, then it's better to use long
address only.

The version of Wireshark (1.10.2) I'm using shows the MAC header, it
even decodes the frame control field :)
ah ok, sounds good.

- Alex


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