Le Lundi 7 Juillet 2008 08:36, Roberto A. Foglietta a scritto :

> Try
>sdptool browse 00:0D:B5:31:A1:87
> in order to see all the services available offered by the device and
> find the serial one and its channel. With this information you can
> bind the serial remote service to a local device in this manner:
> rfcomm bind rfcomm0 00:0D:B5:31:A1:87 <channel>
> after that you have to collect the GPS data from the remote device
> requesting this data from your local device rfcomm0. This could be
> done via a simple
>cat /dev/rfcomm0
>or in case strange characters came out in this way
>cat /dev/rfcomm0 | hexdump -c
>here you can find a gps/bt usage in italian but setup are worldwide
> readable
>  Cheers,

Buongiorno Roberto !
Grazie per l' aiuto
ho provato sdptool browse 00:0D:B5:31:A1:87 che non mi ha ritornato niente ?
ho l' sdptool v 3.7 sul Eeepc
Tuttavia, dopo avere fatto il bind del rfcomm0, 
il cat /dev/rfcomm0 mi ha ritornato tutte le frase NMEA
etc.. etc ..
Pensavo che tutto era OK, ma Tangogps mi dice sempre "no GPS found"
Dovrebbe essere la configurazione di Tangogps che non ho fatto bene ?


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