
On Fri, 7 Dec 2001, Dave Myers wrote:

> In a message dated 12/7/2001 8:17:09 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> > .  It makes it harder for me (and people
> > like me) to really get to know the new release and be able to recommend it
> > to clients for installation.  I am really loathe to recommend something I
> > don't have personal experience with.  Perhaps SuSE would consider having
> > something similar to a developer's version with the  restriction that it
> > not
> > be used in production?
> >

SuSE Enterprise Business Partners do have access to the SW under
conditions very similiar to the ones you describe.

> Linux is in the early stages of acceptance in the corporate community.
> PRESENCE on the mainframe so that management becomes
> more comfortable with it.  Putting roadblocks in the way of
> those of us who are trying to promote S/390 Linux is NOT the way to go
> here...
> Another point...
> I've been in quite a few Linux meetings trying to sell  S/390 Linux
> to management for server consolidation.
> It's a hard sell right now....mostly because the Unix and NT gang
> are whispering into management's ear that Linux is not ready for primetime...
> then when management finds out that the new SuSE licensing charges
> are 11K per engine....their immediate response is  "I thought this stuff was
> free!!"

Again, Linux is free - free as in free speech, not as in free beer."
I would have thought even (senior) managers can understand that?

> It's not that 11K per engine is an issue (it's still a lot cheaper than the
> alternatives)

It really is rather in-expensive by comparison, given that the z900 IFL
for it costs far more than 10 times as much and a VM license for such
substantially more than $11,000.

> It's going from $150 to  $11,000 per engine that seems a bit extreme
> (and imho a bad strategic move).

You are, unfortunately, comparing apples and pears. While the Media Kit of
the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 1 was indeed priced at $150, the SuSE
Linux Enterprise Server 7 product comes with a range of services
(maintenance, installation support ...) included which make up the main
part of the price. Btw. the maintenance charge for your z900 engine was
actually lowered from $24,000 (1-2 engines) to $11,500.

> Distributors need to be more patient for the $$$$.
> Dave Myers

What about the consultants?

Best regards,


Jens W. Sandmann      [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.suse.com

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