"OCUNIX"! That's awesome Richard - it wasn't successful? When did it stop 

Doesn't the OCBUG have the same problem as the OCLUG right now?  Don't get me 
wrong, I would go out to a Royal Oak and chat with Scott, Ian and others 
anytime, but it isn't really a formal group.

From: Richard Guy Briggs <r...@tricolour.ca>
Sent: 31 March 2023 14:20
To: Katherine Mcmillan <kmcmi...@uottawa.ca>
Cc: Tug Williams <tug.willi...@gmail.com>; Linux-Ottawa <linux@linux-ottawa.org>
Subject: Re: [linux] OCLUG meeting Thursday April 6th 2023

Attention : courriel externe | external email

On 2023-03-31 17:25, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> Hi Tug,
> Just out of curiousity, has there ever been any discussion about forming an 
> "Ottawa Unix User Group"? (although "OUUG" sounds terrible, and it can't be 
> "CUUG" because that's already taken - I suppose it could be "NCRUUG" or just 
> "CRUUG").  I ask for several reasons:

OCUNIX used to exist, so did OCUUG.  They effectively became OCBUG.

>   1.  I'm currently on the Board of Directors for EuroBSDCon (a *BSD focussed 
> international conference).
>   2.  BSDCan<https://www.bsdcan.org/2023/> is coming up in Ottawa!
>   3.  I recently attended a Calgary Unix User Group (CUUG) meeting (thanks 
> all for including me if any of you are on this list!)  Theo de Raadt was 
> speaking, and that was really fantastic to witness.  It seemed like a 
> successful user group and approach.
>   4.  There are a number of people based in Ottawa and Quebec that are *BSD 
> users/developers/advocates, and more recently I've come across some QNX and 
> Darwin people. There seems to be potential for a collaborative approach to 
> leveraging Unix and Unix-like operating systems.
> Sincerely,
> Katie
> ________________________________
> From: Tug Williams <tug.willi...@gmail.com>
> Sent: 31 March 2023 11:31
> To: linux@linux-ottawa.org <linux@linux-ottawa.org>
> Subject: [linux] OCLUG meeting Thursday April 6th 2023
> Attention : courriel externe | external email
> When: 7pm Thursday April 6th 2023
> Where: https://meet.jit.si/oclug_2023-04-06
> Check the mailing list for individuals hosting in-person clusters.
> Request for volunteers to give talks, short or long, for future meetings - If 
> you have a Linux related presentation or demo you'd be comfortable sharing 
> with the group, or a discussion topic you wish to introduce, then please let 
> us know.
> We have a couple of talks, and a proposed change that needs airing and 
> discussing...
> Topics
> 1) Discussion of the boards proposal to dissolve the OCLUG corporation (not 
> the club, just the not-for-profit corporation the board believes has outlived 
> is benefit)
> 2) talk from Katie McMillan: "The Princess and the Wacom One"
> 3) talk from John Nash: "M1 Macintosh and floating point"
> Proposal to dissolve corporation
> Linux-Ottawa members are asked to vote as per instructions below on the 
> dissolution of the Ontario not-for-profit corporation "Ottawa Carleton Linux 
> Users Group" Ontario Corporation number 1476767.
> In that we have not organized events requiring the structure and resources of 
> a corporation for some years, the motivations for having a corporation no 
> longer apply.
> This vote does NOT imply that Linux-Ottawa will not continue. We intend, with 
> member support, to continue the electronic mailing list and regular virtual 
> and hybrid meetings. However, we have not had anyone step forward willing to 
> take on Board responsibilities, and the current Board is not in a position to 
> carry out the legally required administrative operations. A requirement of 
> dissolution is to transfer resources to an organization with similar goals. 
> The National Capital Freenet has indicated their willingness to accept a 
> donation. Moreover, they use and promote open-source software and have 
> suggested that they would use some of the monies to increase such activity. 
> Note that we could assist in such work, as some of us are already NCF members 
> and supporters.
> Assuming the vote is positive, an agent will be engaged to handle the 
> technical details. One such agency has indicated willingness, with a fee 
> under $400.
> Note that there is no Plan B unless some members step up with a viable plan 
> that can get majority member approval in a recorded vote.
> The motion is as follows:
> We, the members of the "Ottawa Carleton Linux Users Group" Ontario 
> Corporation number 1476767 are in favour of dissolution of that corporation 
> and transfer of residual money to the National Capital Freenet.
> Procedure:
> All members who have responded to the request to provide their legal name 
> before March 27, 2023, are eligible to vote. A ballot will be sent by email 
> from secret...@linux-ottawa.org<mailto:secret...@linux-ottawa.org> to each 
> such person on or before April 6. Voting will close at 11:59pm on April 6th 
> EDT. You may vote before the April 6th meeting, or wait for the discussions 
> at that meeting.

  slainte mhath, RGB
Richard Guy Briggs               --  ~\    -- ~\             <hpv.tricolour.ca>
<www.TriColour.ca<http://www.TriColour.ca>>                 --  \___   o \@     
 @        Ride yer bike!
Ottawa, ON, CANADA                  --  Lo_>__M__\\/\%__\\/\%
Vote! -- <greenparty.ca>_____GTVS6#790__(*)__(*)________(*)(*)_________________

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