On 23/04/03, Rick Leir wrote:
> Tell me about GOSLINGS please, I think there was a political side to that?

Getting Open Source Logic Into Government

It had a run of about 15 years.  Joseph Potvin was one of the primaries
behind it with strong support from MCR and Russell McOrmond.  It was
hosted at the Parliament Pub for years until the NCC had other ideas for
that space.  It was then hosted by Mike Gifford (Open Concept).
Xellerance(sp?) was also involved.
Officially, Linux wasn't supported in federal government IT, but there
was enough skunkwork activity that it took hold from the bottom up as
well as being worked on from the top down.

> And cc the list if you like!
> Cheers
> Rick
> On April 2, 2023 10:21:15 PM EDT, Richard Guy Briggs <r...@tricolour.ca> 
> wrote:
> >On 2023-04-02 14:20, Rick Leir wrote:
> >> We never even told you about open source nerds an nachos
> >> http://clicks.meetup.com/ls/click?upn=XbaZ37larFA-2FuV5MohrYpdrra25MtI4CzodbRR1Rd1mhr1xShVkCrqYYJqodQha1Aed-2F1qUSLs6eE-2FnxdFa7Fg-3D-3DOci8_COUti7EiCTywajQe-2FUkV6Q7oHg8Owr4aj15Vgmgy0-2FUPjgcSDE0tIBzjPB-2BXWZdgj0mye-2FgrcNz8MTWCYihALtVMSZ8IC4j20GcVcTJQQyXc0WZinDFTeLQ951R3WISxMqtBnsNIONHr1SZbXMJmILE8bUtPkRxQdjLpoCgL7w7tmpstWIyHGPleFAUD5E6JRcc3QiHd7u375zQeN5X3KCEcFBiTfXSVHPy62OlI5YQLGui69h8h9PX10udeS4HKh3WSAuk9jYAKSpXNAvQAFLxtFQ5Rq8id9EfvSEgXtEdM0dx7yc5GqJNcDGhzQMbgYKRjGgiL1ztJQgELtUdpl4k23760j-2B4mGbRWv7ppmq4LwU5d6ejXBhisb3OKDMtVbWYsxkLWhNK0vrKUdEX60a-2BQTvvZ5reRgAKQLFckNMmSqITR4OAJ7xxXPi8-2FK3-2Fxsktis30k-2FrUmmFH2Pk0rMOSX-2BeQ-2BxcLMhfmu5egWpSp1TfTWRLdEngTrmn8URkablEndokOEoXmkc34wJ81HC0G8C8xL-2FMkaAwRMpmPeYvhQfkiyIGW5P4sLR9Apl-2F7F5-2BjoBFG9mD1aWDIk6YeknlwRuIhUbs2T1glSH-2FZDS7rIVKqj7LPiaDfHqYWTMOGyDso5EaVr8eKbKhDtoTscZ6w-2BZZfLHsO0PektkMEKOIZZY-2F-2FjO87CcnSb08Jq8o6707qurGKkEpY761XmsqupGQ7-2F7FsTLsLCXi7VHvs7DIU-3D
> >
> >Ah yes, this came out of GOSLINGS...  That photo was from Open Concept
> >Consulting's office on Somerset W...
> >
> >> On March 31, 2023 3:30:02 PM EDT, Katherine Mcmillan <kmcmi...@uottawa.ca> 
> >> wrote:
> >> >Illumos would be a great one to include too.
> >> >
> >> >-Katie
> >> >________________________________
> >> >From: Katherine Mcmillan <kmcmi...@uottawa.ca>
> >> >Sent: 31 March 2023 15:18
> >> >To: Richard Guy Briggs <r...@tricolour.ca>
> >> >Cc: Tug Williams <tug.willi...@gmail.com>; Linux-Ottawa 
> >> ><linux@linux-ottawa.org>
> >> >Subject: Re: [linux] OCLUG meeting Thursday April 6th 2023
> >> >
> >> >"OCUNIX"! That's awesome Richard - it wasn't successful? When did it stop 
> >> >existing?
> >> >
> >> >Doesn't the OCBUG have the same problem as the OCLUG right now?  Don't 
> >> >get me wrong, I would go out to a Royal Oak and chat with Scott, Ian and 
> >> >others anytime, but it isn't really a formal group.
> >> >
> >> >Sincerely,
> >> >Katie
> >> >________________________________
> >> >From: Richard Guy Briggs <r...@tricolour.ca>
> >> >Sent: 31 March 2023 14:20
> >> >To: Katherine Mcmillan <kmcmi...@uottawa.ca>
> >> >Cc: Tug Williams <tug.willi...@gmail.com>; Linux-Ottawa 
> >> ><linux@linux-ottawa.org>
> >> >Subject: Re: [linux] OCLUG meeting Thursday April 6th 2023
> >> >
> >> >Attention : courriel externe | external email
> >> >
> >> >On 2023-03-31 17:25, Katherine Mcmillan wrote:
> >> >> Hi Tug,
> >> >>
> >> >> Just out of curiousity, has there ever been any discussion about 
> >> >> forming an "Ottawa Unix User Group"? (although "OUUG" sounds terrible, 
> >> >> and it can't be "CUUG" because that's already taken - I suppose it 
> >> >> could be "NCRUUG" or just "CRUUG").  I ask for several reasons:
> >> >
> >> >OCUNIX used to exist, so did OCUUG.  They effectively became OCBUG.
> >> >
> >> >>   1.  I'm currently on the Board of Directors for EuroBSDCon (a *BSD 
> >> >> focussed international conference).
> >> >>   2.  BSDCan<https://www.bsdcan.org/2023/> is coming up in Ottawa!
> >> >>   3.  I recently attended a Calgary Unix User Group (CUUG) meeting 
> >> >> (thanks all for including me if any of you are on this list!)  Theo de 
> >> >> Raadt was speaking, and that was really fantastic to witness.  It 
> >> >> seemed like a successful user group and approach.
> >> >>   4.  There are a number of people based in Ottawa and Quebec that are 
> >> >> *BSD users/developers/advocates, and more recently I've come across 
> >> >> some QNX and Darwin people. There seems to be potential for a 
> >> >> collaborative approach to leveraging Unix and Unix-like operating 
> >> >> systems.
> >> >>
> >> >> Sincerely,
> >> >> Katie
> >> >> ________________________________
> >> >> From: Tug Williams <tug.willi...@gmail.com>
> >> >> Sent: 31 March 2023 11:31
> >> >> To: linux@linux-ottawa.org <linux@linux-ottawa.org>
> >> >> Subject: [linux] OCLUG meeting Thursday April 6th 2023
> >> >>
> >> >> Attention : courriel externe | external email
> >> >>
> >> >> When: 7pm Thursday April 6th 2023
> >> >> Where: https://meet.jit.si/oclug_2023-04-06
> >> >>
> >> >> Check the mailing list for individuals hosting in-person clusters.
> >> >>
> >> >> Request for volunteers to give talks, short or long, for future 
> >> >> meetings - If you have a Linux related presentation or demo you'd be 
> >> >> comfortable sharing with the group, or a discussion topic you wish to 
> >> >> introduce, then please let us know.
> >> >>
> >> >> We have a couple of talks, and a proposed change that needs airing and 
> >> >> discussing...
> >> >>
> >> >> Topics
> >> >>
> >> >> 1) Discussion of the boards proposal to dissolve the OCLUG corporation 
> >> >> (not the club, just the not-for-profit corporation the board believes 
> >> >> has outlived is benefit)
> >> >> 2) talk from Katie McMillan: "The Princess and the Wacom One"
> >> >> 3) talk from John Nash: "M1 Macintosh and floating point"
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Proposal to dissolve corporation
> >> >>
> >> >> Linux-Ottawa members are asked to vote as per instructions below on the 
> >> >> dissolution of the Ontario not-for-profit corporation "Ottawa Carleton 
> >> >> Linux Users Group" Ontario Corporation number 1476767.
> >> >>
> >> >> In that we have not organized events requiring the structure and 
> >> >> resources of a corporation for some years, the motivations for having a 
> >> >> corporation no longer apply.
> >> >>
> >> >> This vote does NOT imply that Linux-Ottawa will not continue. We 
> >> >> intend, with member support, to continue the electronic mailing list 
> >> >> and regular virtual and hybrid meetings. However, we have not had 
> >> >> anyone step forward willing to take on Board responsibilities, and the 
> >> >> current Board is not in a position to carry out the legally required 
> >> >> administrative operations. A requirement of dissolution is to transfer 
> >> >> resources to an organization with similar goals. The National Capital 
> >> >> Freenet has indicated their willingness to accept a donation. Moreover, 
> >> >> they use and promote open-source software and have suggested that they 
> >> >> would use some of the monies to increase such activity. Note that we 
> >> >> could assist in such work, as some of us are already NCF members and 
> >> >> supporters.
> >> >>
> >> >> Assuming the vote is positive, an agent will be engaged to handle the 
> >> >> technical details. One such agency has indicated willingness, with a 
> >> >> fee under $400.
> >> >>
> >> >> Note that there is no Plan B unless some members step up with a viable 
> >> >> plan that can get majority member approval in a recorded vote.
> >> >>
> >> >> The motion is as follows:
> >> >>
> >> >> We, the members of the "Ottawa Carleton Linux Users Group" Ontario 
> >> >> Corporation number 1476767 are in favour of dissolution of that 
> >> >> corporation and transfer of residual money to the National Capital 
> >> >> Freenet.
> >> >>
> >> >> Procedure:
> >> >>
> >> >> All members who have responded to the request to provide their legal 
> >> >> name before March 27, 2023, are eligible to vote. A ballot will be sent 
> >> >> by email from 
> >> >> secret...@linux-ottawa.org<mailto:secret...@linux-ottawa.org> to each 
> >> >> such person on or before April 6. Voting will close at 11:59pm on April 
> >> >> 6th EDT. You may vote before the April 6th meeting, or wait for the 
> >> >> discussions at that meeting.
> >> >
> >> >  slainte mhath, RGB
> >
> >  slainte mhath, RGB

        slainte mhath, RGB

Richard Guy Briggs               --  ~\    -- ~\            <hpv.tricolour.ca>
<www.TriColour.ca>                --  \___   o \@       @       Ride yer bike!
Ottawa, ON, CANADA                  --  Lo_>__M__\\/\%__\\/\%
Vote! -- <greenparty.ca>_____GTVS6#790__(*)__(*)________(*)(*)_________________

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