I have recently been having increasing problems with the "rich graphics" 
version of the Rogers WebMail client. I am interested to know if anyone else 
has also been having problems.

I wonder if recent versions of Firefox are suffering some regressions. I do not 
experience the same problems with a super-old Firefox 3.0.x on my netbook, nor 
on Windows systems with 3.5 Firefoxes. I wish web programmers would write to 
standards, not to operating systems. Does the claim that the browser offers an 
OS-independent platform really hold up?

But Rogers and/or Yahoo! are creating their own problems, to be sure. Their 
latest stunt is to throw up an error message if the end-user has adblocking 
software enabled. They want to force us to read the advertisements that steal 
needed space from the mail client. Attempts to load the client anyway sometimes 
work, sometimes fail.

And they have the unmitigated call to call this a "client-side error!"

I got annoyed with them last night and sent a rocket stating a view that it was 
unethical on one hand to enforce bandwidth caps and then force us to consume 
bandwidth to downloads advertisements that we don't want to see. I suggested 
that if appropriate follow-up was not forthcoming, I was prepared to escalate 
the matter, if necessary, to the (relatively newly-established) Commissioner of 
Complaints for Telecommunications Services. That got somebody's attention, 
because instead of a system-generated acknowledgement, I got an acknowledgement 
e-mail from a human with a promise that the follow-up, for what it will be (or 
won't be) worth, will come from the "Office of the President."

Bruce Miller, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
br...@brmiller.ca; (613) 745-1151

A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never 
learned to walk forward.
  - Franklin D. Roosevelt
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