On 12-03-23 01:48 PM, Richard Guy Briggs wrote:
> "a few extra minutes" In my case, 120 minutes. What's your time worth? 
> Where is the centroid of this region's population? In particular, 
> where is the centroid of interested persons without private motor 
> transportation?

Time is the most limited and valuable commodity I have.  I'm certainly 
willing to give some of it to support people like Richard who live by 
their principles.  Ten or fifteen minutes on my part to save Richard two 
hours is a courtesy I'm willing to support.  Like me, he has kids, wife 
and a home to keep running, so I know what his "spare" time is worth.

This being said, Richard's case is exceptional (as is he) and there may 
be other ways to make things work.  In the past I provided rides to 
people needing them - and making an effort to pre-arrange shared travel 
may be more effective than trying to keep everyone happy.  Given 
demographics and employer locations, I'm willing to concede that the 
east end is not the technical hotbed found to the west.  My 
neighbourhood is heavily RCMP, Military, CSIS, CSE etc. - but not many 
free spirited Linux anarchists, nor do I think meetings would be well 
attended here.  Suburbia - few students, not really starter homes, etc.

I'm glad to see discussion traffic here.  It is important for people to 
care enough to write.

The board and the legal "structure" of OCLUG is necessary and critical 
to having professionals and experts involved.  I've sat on a few boards 
(both profit and non-profit) and as a Director you can not afford to 
accept the liability this kind of positions incurs without the legal 
structure in place.  Even a student with no assets should be aware that 
a Directorship brings responsibility with it for government filings, 
organisational events and member actions.  Randall put a lot of effort 
in so OCLUG could operate and have people involved.  A lot of things 
like regular meetings, corporate involvement, banking and sponsorship 
absolutely require legal non-profit status.

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