On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 10:32:08AM -0400, Bill Strosberg wrote:
> On 12-03-22 10:05 AM, Richard Guy Briggs wrote:
> > Another factor to consider is a question of demographics of 
> > participants. If we are looking at a seniors' club, then parking is 
> > going to be more important and perhaps not too late. If we are looking 
> > at a students' club, then centrallity and transit are going to be 
> > important since fewer youth are placing the value in owning motor 
> > vehicles in the last 5-10 years than the 50 before that, which is 
> > partly due to the disruptive technologies we meet to discuss. Perhaps 
> > I am nostalgic for societies that value intergenerational 
> > collaboration, but I think it makes sense to make an effort to 
> > accomodate both in this particular area of interest. Does it make 
> > sense to restrict ourselves to Linux specific topics, or open source 
> > software (and perhaps hardware?) in general?
>  From a club viability perspective Richard is right (as usual). I share 
> the same nostalgia for intergenerational collaboration.  Given the 
> geography, culture and climate of Canada, I think it is going to take a 
> long time to wean ourselves off personal vehicles.  At 51 guess I'm now 
> a senior?  I spend around an hour most days on my bike in the summer, so 
> I don't feel like one.

I was thinking more of the retired set who (may not) have more time on
their hands.  There is wisdom to share, whether or not the younger
generations value it.  I got great value from attending OCUNIX meetings
in the 1990s, recognizing the wisdom in the room.

> I wonder (having done no substantive research) how well collaborative 
> Open Source communication technologies work for large scale meetings?  
> (25-50 live participants?) Video conferencing for Board meetings may 
> alleviate some physical attendance pressure.  I use telephone based 
> conference calls very frequently for client meetings as geography 
> prevents face to face meetings.

This can be very valuable for some specialized or dispersed communities,
but meatspace is equally important.

> There may be a lot of value in investing in working with disruptive 
> virtual presence meetings, as the scope of possible members may 
> increase, and the geographical lines drawn may become less relevant.  
> Being able to "watch" club presentations after their "live" broadcast 
> would be far more interesting than reviewing presentations without the 
> audio, the questions, the responses and the community.  From 20,000 
> feet, this is where I think "social" applications should be - I hate the 
> reality that an American corporate entity run by a miserable spoiled 
> brat "owns" all the interpersonal communication between today's youth.  
> Open, free and non-commercial social participation using the Internet as 
> backbone would be far more acceptable to me than freely allowing 
> corporate America to mine my son's traffic and sell him to the highest 
> bidders.

I suspect this has less value for our group and may well help to destroy
it due to the intrinsic geographical nature of our group.  I have
witnessed and perhaps contributed to the demise of such a geographically
based group by offering and providing an online communications forum.

> Just a thought.  Certainly would be far more eco-friendly than driving 
> my fossil fuel dinosaur belching it's planet killing crap.

So walk, ride your bike, take the bus, or bring a friend to the meeting
with you.  The latter will kill two birds with one stone.  :)

With enough interest (which is our current major battle) having seperate
meetings in Ottawa, Kanata and Orleans would address some of that.

> Although I certainly would miss the Beer Sig!

And this is a very important point.  My observation is that advocacy
groups that have a strong social component tend to remain cohesive and
are better able to evolve with the needs and times than those without.

> Bill

        slainte mhath, RGB

Richard Guy Briggs               --  ~\    -- ~\            <hpv.tricolour.net>
<www.TriColour.net>                --  \___   o \@       @       Ride yer bike!
Ottawa, ON, CANADA                  --  Lo_>__M__\\/\%__\\/\%
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