Thanks to several on list, Don Kelly in particular, I was able to see 
that IMAP was not connecting at uOttawa (but was on gmail). I spent 
about an hour with a couple of the Telfer IT folk, and we could not get 
a connection, so phoned central CCS. I sent them some logs and later in 
the day, things started working.

However, in updating a couple of machines, I found that I got similar 
problems when setting up email. It appears that Thunderbird in 
particular, but also Evolution (and early Claws mail) seemed to get into 
difficulties connecting to uOttawa, and it took several tries to get the 
settings "in". It appears to be necessary to purge all processes that 
might be involved. Certainly changing account settings does not take 
effect until the email app is closed and restarted at the least.  As 
indicated gmail doesn't seem to be affected. Once Tbird gets a bad 
connection, it seems to "remember" this and the trouble stays. There may 
be an interaction with the gmail account activity that affects things too.

While this is a rather particular issue (i.e., uOttawa for me), from the 
very many posts about similar matters on various of the forums, I 
suspect that better diagnostic tools and prescriptions for at least 
guiding a fix are in order. Since several of us will be talking about 
email backup in December, and it was the issues with IMAP that started 
that initiative.

If there are folk interested in trying to document and ameliorate such 
problems, please get in touch and I'll see what can be said and done for 
the Dec. meeting. I also plan to be at Nov 1 meeting, and hope some 
planning for Dec. can take place there. Email is one of the most heavily 
used and pervasive applications, so a good opportunity for OCLUG to shine.

Cheers, JN

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