before i start digging through the docs for something subtle that i
missed, i want to make sure i understand the recipe for setting up
passwordless ssh login, and what it *requires* to be possible on both
ends. (i think i already know the answer to this, i just want to be
absolutely sure.)

  so, i'm on system A, and i know an account and its password on
system B -- that part is kind of essential to start with. with that
alone, i can of course:

  $ ssh nameb@systemb

but i will be prompted for the password -- ssh is very particular
about that.  so far, so good, right?

  now i want to extend this so i don't have to type in the password
every time.  AFAIK, this involves being able to do the following:

 1) on system A, i need to run "ssh-keygen" to generate my own pair of

 2) i need to then run "ssh-copy-id" to copy my *public* key to the
remote system, into the home directory of the target account --
specifically, into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  again, all of this is pretty standard but here's where i run into
trouble. turns out that the target system is a small embedded linux
system where there is only one account -- root -- which has its home
directory in a read-only filesystem. as best i know, i'm pretty well
screwed here, right?

  for the above to work, the home directory of the target account
*must* be writable in order for me to stash my public key in
~/.ssh/authorized_keys, correct? if even the remote account can't
write into its own home directory, i don't see how to get around that.

  a couple other questions while i'm here. again, i think this is
pretty obvious but if a whole bunch of different accounts want to
passwordless ssh into the same remote account, each one of them has to
run the recipe above, yes? so the remote account better be prepared to
stash a lot of public keys in .ssh.

  finally, if i'm unable to change the configuration of the remote
system, the only option i see that's completely client side-based is

am i missing anything? given the read-only nature of the target
system, i don't see any easy workaround.



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

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