Dear possibly current and former OCLUG Board of Directors members who
still may have semi-recent ties to OCLUG:

(Your wiki is a little out of date, btw.)

I recently came to the conclusion that the local amateur radio community
would really benefit from having an "old-school Linux Installfest" like
OCLUG used to offer back in the day but with a focus on Raspberry Pi
units with demos of how to actually get started playing around with
them.  Obviously, we would not turn folks away who are not amateur radio
folks or random strangers who have Linux questions that aren't specific
to Raspberry Pi units or folks who aren't members of any club (yet).

I have already made arrangements with my friend and contact at Algonquin
College (Richard Hagemeyer VE3UNW) to warn that I plan to be booking
some space there (probably Room T119 and the hallway in front of it) for
some weekend in the latter half of May.  I will soon be contacting
several local amateur radio clubs, namely: OARC, WCARC, OVMRC, EMRG,
MARG (,,,, to check for interest there also.  I
already know there will be a bit of interest but I will try to get a
better feeling for some actual numbers and maybe mention May as the
tentative date.

I have also already made some preliminary suggestions to BuyaPi as well
(, located across the street from Algonquin College
Woodroffe) to perhaps try to secure having a ready supply of spare parts
there on-hand at the event for Raspberry Pi, Cubieboard, Beagle Bone
units.  This will not be a commercial event and the participation of
Buyapi is intended only as a convenience to us and to others and the
plan is to charge participants $0 for the actual event (option to
include food at the venue maybe for a small fee).  I would expect that
OCLUG and the radio clubs would have pamphlets available for pick-up
there too so it might act as a bit of a membership drive also.

However, having a successful "Raspberry Pi Boot Camp" really would
benefit from having a lot of Linux-savvy people there to help and maybe
being able to call upon the support of OCLUG to help spread the word and
ensure that it isn't just me there all by myself.  Hopefully, some of
these email addresses still go somewhere other than /dev/null and reach
people who might be interested in helping out.  I would really
appreciate any help you might offer to try to make this Installfest a

(FYI:  Apparently, Algonquin students are already using Raspberry Pi
units as "hey, wow, it still works" development environments for

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Thanks and 73,

Tyler Tidman
OCLUG Board of Directors 2007-2009, OCLUG Member 1997-2011
OARC Vice-President 2012-present

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