Tyler Tidman <tyler.tid...@draak.ca> wrote:
    > I recently came to the conclusion that the local amateur radio
    > community would really benefit from having an "old-school Linux
    > Installfest" like OCLUG used to offer back in the day but with a focus
    > on Raspberry Pi units with demos of how to actually get started playing
    > around with them.  Obviously, we would not turn folks away who are not
    > amateur radio folks or random strangers who have Linux questions that
    > aren't specific to Raspberry Pi units or folks who aren't members of
    > any club (yet).

Interesting idea.  Would one be installfest be to install the Pi,
or to install a devel environment on a PC to target the Pi?

Christian has many hundred Raspberry Pi deployed.

    > I have already made arrangements with my friend and contact at
    > Algonquin College (Richard Hagemeyer VE3UNW) to warn that I plan to be
    > booking some space there (probably Room T119 and the hallway in front
    > of it) for some weekend in the latter half of May.  I will soon be
    > contacting several local amateur radio clubs, namely: OARC, WCARC,
    > OVMRC, EMRG, MARG (http://oarc.net, http://wcarc.on.ca,
    > http://ovmrc.on.ca, http://emrg.ca, http://ve3rix.com) to check for
    > interest there also.  I already know there will be a bit of interest
    > but I will try to get a better feeling for some actual numbers and
    > maybe mention May as the tentative date.

    > I have also already made some preliminary suggestions to BuyaPi as well
    > (http://buyapi.ca, located across the street from Algonquin College
    > Woodroffe) to perhaps try to secure having a ready supply of spare
    > parts there on-hand at the event for Raspberry Pi, Cubieboard, Beagle
    > Bone units.  This will not be a commercial event and the participation
    > of Buyapi is intended only as a convenience to us and to others and the
    > plan is to charge participants $0 for the actual event (option to
    > include food at the venue maybe for a small fee).  I would expect that
    > OCLUG and the radio clubs would have pamphlets available for pick-up
    > there too so it might act as a bit of a membership drive also.

    > However, having a successful "Raspberry Pi Boot Camp" really would
    > benefit from having a lot of Linux-savvy people there to help and maybe
    > being able to call upon the support of OCLUG to help spread the word
    > and ensure that it isn't just me there all by myself.  Hopefully, some
    > of these email addresses still go somewhere other than /dev/null and
    > reach people who might be interested in helping out.  I would really
    > appreciate any help you might offer to try to make this Installfest a
    > success.

I'm happy to be available, if I'm available...

    > (FYI: Apparently, Algonquin students are already using Raspberry Pi
    > units as "hey, wow, it still works" development environments for
    > programming.)

    > I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

    > Thanks and 73,

    > Tyler Tidman VA3DGN, RAC CEC OCLUG Board of Directors 2007-2009, OCLUG
    > Member 1997-2011 OARC Vice-President 2012-present

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