Here's another suggestion that list has some issues.

Let's put on next Board discussion.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [OCLUG-Tech] Fwd: dificulty asking a question on the OCLUG
Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 07:52:56 -0400
From: Bill Strosberg <>
To: Prof J C Nash (U30A) <>

On 15-05-13 10:18 PM, Prof J C Nash (U30A) wrote:
> Here's Charles' msg. Anyone have an idea why original misfired?
> JN

I've had real problems with the list publishing my messages as well - so
much that I've pretty much given up wasting my time with posting.
Whoever is maintaining the list server has taken filtering too far and
is filtering out valid content as well.  I'm not even bothering to copy
the list on this as I know it won't make it to the list.

If anyone cared enough to test this I bet they'll find lots of valid
content in the quarantine folders.  Make something too "safe" and you
kill it off.  Too much pesticides will kill the grass along with the
dandelions.  And people wonder why the group's health is in decline.

Bill S. (former Board member)

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