Dernièrement un rapport sur la sécurité comparée de OSS et MS a fait des 

1/ Linux Poised for Desktop Failure: Gartner
(ZDNet Australia)
Voir les TRES nombreuses réponses à l'article.

2/ "Study: Linux' Security Problems Outstrip Microsoft's"

J'aimerais citer une référence concernant l'opinion d'un domaine (bioscience, 
industrie pharmaceutique...) qui jongle avec des quantités gigantesque de 
données, et où la STABILITE + SECURITE sont de la toute première importance.

Eux ne peuvent pas se contenter de campagnes de propagande pour fonder leurs 

 developerWorks: Open Source in the Biosciences
Beyond this progress, though, open source offers biosciences three significant 
advantages that Big Pharma has only begun to appreciate: security, strategic 
ownership, and extensibility. 

Security matters to Big Pharma. Fines paid for mishandling medical and 
research data are a matter of public record. As Bernard P. Wess Jr., 
president of Perseid Software Ltd., observes, "The computer industry has been 
poor in quality control." Until recently, bioscience has reacted to this by 
going more proprietary, in a search for someone to sue. There's plenty of 
evidence, though, that open source has at least as good a record as 
proprietary vendors in delivery of high-quality, and particularly 
high-security, programs. Recent events in election vote-tallying and national 
security affairs have called into question whether proprietary programs can 
ever be trusted for sensitive matters. Expect dramatic events on this front 
over the next year, as bioscience companies take drastic steps to improve 
their data security.

        Bonne journée - Have a good day,

|  Dr Alain EMPAIN      Bioinformatique, Génétique Moléculaire B43,
|  Fac. Méd. Vétérinaire, Univ. de Liège, Sart-Tilman / B-4000 Liège  
|       WORK:+32 4 366 3821 Fax: +32 4 366 4122   GSM:+32 497 701764
|       HOME:+32 85 512341  -- Rue des Martyrs,7  B-4550 Nandrin

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